Mesothelioma Cancer Diagnosis?

FREE Mesothelioma Packet for Patients and Families Diagnosed with Mesothelioma.

This helpful and comprehensive packet includes 3 books on the basics of mesothelioma, treatment options, best hospitals, resources for veterans, the asbestos trust funds, financial assistance and a number of other important topics. Order the FREE packet by completing the form.

1 Doctor Written Book

  • What is Mesothelioma?
  • Diagnosis
  • Coping
  • Treatment Options
  • Caring for Patients
  • Clinical Trials
  • Best Treatment Centers

2 Asbestos Trust Funds

Find out about the $30 billion set aside in the asbestos trust to help pay for treatment and personal expenses while fighting mesothelioma cancer. The Asbestos Trust Funds are the quickest way to recover compensation.

3 Veteran Resources

Book includes VA Forms for Pension and Medical Benefits information on VA Hospitals specializing in treating mesothelioma, and a list of the best VA mesothelioma surgeons. Also includes information on what compensation is available for Veterans.

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Mesothelioma Staging

Mesothelioma tend to grow and spread in unusual ways compared to other tumors. Rather than forming a "lump", mesothelioma tends to extent from the pleural lining to press against the lung or abdominal organs. It also grows along the pleural lining, eventually forming a hard casing around the lung and making it difficult for patients to take a deep breath. Mesothelioma generally does not spread widely to other organs but, rather, tends to extensively involve the chest and lungs or abdominal cavity before spreading to other distant organs, late in the course of the disease.

If the disease is detected early, when only limited growth on the pleural lining has occurred (stage I), the tumor is considered potentially curable and an attempt can be made to surgically remove the entire tumor. Usually, however, the tumor is detected later, when it more extensively involves the pleural lining and has possibly invaded surrounding normal structures. In these advanced stages (stages II, III and IV), the cancer significantly impacts the quality of life.